Hormones really got the best of me today.

Amy • Mom to 4 beautiful girls. 3/3/10, 4/27/14, 4/8/17, 3/7/19.

So I went to the fridge to get the jello out I had made yesterday.

Container slipped out of my hands, went upside down, lid popped off and jello went all over the floor. 😭

I kept myself together, cleaned it up and got a new mix out of the pantry to make.

Poured it in a bowl, put the hot water in started to mix it and the bowl slips out of my hands AGAIN! Splashes all over me, the sink, and all over the floor. I was done. I just started bawling.

My poor husband must’ve been so confused.

I just went and cried in the shower 😭😂 came back to the kitchen to find my husband made me another batch. The wonderful man.

Guys pregnancy is rough. I don’t normally cry over jello 😂