Relatable? Opinions? Lol idk, help.

I’m really skinny naturally. I weigh like 120 pounds but I look the same way I did when I was 97 pounds. Besides the point tho.

Lately I’ve lost a lot of my appetite. Usually I can eat a lot. Especially if it’s Taco Bell, I love that place. For the past week I’ve been sick with what I assume is the flu. Ever since, my appetite is almost nonexistent. For the last 2 days I’ve just been dealing with a bad cough. I’m almost all better. But I can’t eat anything without feeling pretty nauseous. I’m not like extremely nauseous, no gagging nor vomiting. But today all I’ve eaten was a chicken nugget meal from mc Donald’s at 1 which I didn’t even finish. And just now I ate a few bites of rice and beans and baked chicken wings (literally like 4 bites) and now I’m in bed nauseous.

I’m not sure what’s wrong with me. I thought maybe there was a chance I’m pregnant since I’ve been trying but my tests are negative and I was supposed to start my period yesterday and still haven’t. I’ve had a few painful cramps. But idk, usually I have an appetite when I’m on my period or close but a lot makes me slightly nauseous lately.

Anyone know how to stop feeling like this? Or what it might be? Maybe it’s the way I’m eating?