The big did you do it?

I’m doing it. This year is the year I do everything I can to buy a house for my daughter and I. I’m one person. One income. I’m a preschool teacher, I don’t make much. But I’ll be damned if I let that stop me. I’m paying off my debt to bring up my credit. I’m saving more than 4% down payment and I want to buy my house by the end of this year. It’s doable. I’ve done my research and I’ve looked deep into the first time home buyer opportunities.

I’ll be 24 in December with a 1.5 year old. I want Christmas to be spent in the home I busted my ass to get us. I’m going back to school for my bachelors in elementary education. I’m getting my CDA in 2 months to go from hourly to salary. I’m going to do anything and everything I can to make this happen.

My mom asked me what would make me happy. I’m going through a divorce right now with a deadbeat baby daddy who flipped my life upside down. Yes, I’m seeing an amazing man now. Him and his son have brought smiles to my daughter and I. I LOVE it. But although I’m beyond happy, it’s not what will make me happy. If that makes sense. What will make me happy is not struggling to find someone to rent to me. Not worrying about losing my home because renting is a lot harder and more expensive than owning a home. I’ll be the happiest person in the world this year with my little family celebrating the December holidays in our very own home❤️

If you are a single mom who has successfully purchased your own home, or even if you’re not a single mom but you have purchased, any and all advice and tips would be fantastic❤️❤️