I could scream.


Ladies I’m literally so happy I could scream. My husband and I said 2019 is going to be the year. I’ve been so irregular that I haven’t had a cycle day 1 in a very long time. And it took 7 days of eating healthier and thinking more positive and my first trip to the gym tonight and AF showed up for the first time in a long time. So happy to be able to start tracking again. I called the new year a clean slate. I wasn’t going to tell myself this is my __ cycle trying or anything. My goal for January was to get my period back. When she’s gone I’ll baby dance my heart out and have the goal for February to have 2 pink lines or to have a regular cycle. I’m just so happy. I went in the bathroom and yelled out “she’s hereeeee” to my husband like in the poltergeist 😂