am i pregnant? I need opinions please!

okay, so I know it’s a dumb question to ask without actually taking a test, but am I pregnant?

I have PCOS and I’m 19, I don’t use contraception as a few doctors have actually told me that I should start trying now rather than later as I don’t want to risk not having a baby, so I’ve been trying.

I had sex the day after Christmas, and pretty much every second day after that and every time he has ejaculated in me. I do have PCOS so I don’t exactly know when I’m fertile, which I’m trying to get better at.

Anyways, to get to the point ... I’ve been having really tender and sore sensitive breasts for the last 2 weeks and I do have a thin milky discharge that’s started to appear this week. But also, I tried to eat my lunch today and I have it every day because it’s so delicious and it’s my fav! I went to eat it and today and it felt disgusting in my mouth and it made me vomit 🤮 the smell and the looks of it just turned me off it today but like i wanted to eat it because it’s my favourite but I just couldn’t. Also, I’ve been eating all day and it feels like I haven’t even been eating, the only thing I can get down is red rock deli chips 😭

My breast have gotten huge over the last week and even if I just poke them they feel heavy and sensitive and achy.

I’ve been experiencing little cramps as well. But I know it’s not my period because when my period comes it’s like 4 months of periods in one! And it’s kills but this is a totally different feeling and I also feel myself on the verge of just like crying about everything! And I’ve been peeing frequently but not heaps heaps...

Am I just looking in to it too much or...

Could it be possible I’m pregnant?


I have taken 2 home tests and 1 at the doctors, they all were negative but the doctor said every symptom is pointing to pregnancy but she said it could be just that sometimes the tests just don’t work for everyone and it would be better to take a blood test, I took one today and am waiting for the results.