
Brianna • 21 • pcos • ttc w 1st for 2yrs • ga

Did any of your OBs give you a hard time on prescribing Clomid? I’ve been taking Metformin for almost a year with no luck. They even swapped me to the extended release. I visited with an endocrinologist based on a pituitary tumor and she was completely confused as to why I was on metformin in the first place. I’m 95lbs, 5’2. Metformin has only made me below normal BMI. Flashback to before I decided to try to conceive, I was 115-120lbs. Basically, my issue is my OB is beating around the bush. I informed her I was told to stop taking metformin and wanted to be prescribed clomid and she asked for a faxed copy of our consultation stating that metformin wasn’t helping me.

So.. did y’all have trouble getting prescribed clomid and if not, how did you go about getting the prescription?