My water broke on two nurses!


Birth story

I delivered my son on his due date (technically). His due date according to my last missed period was the 29th but when we got the 20 week ultrasound done he was measuring to be due the 26th. At my doctors office they don’t change the due date unless it’s more than 5 days off from LMP but in my head I kept telling myself he would come the 26th just for sanity’s sake.

Prior to when he was born I got my membranes stripped twice.

To all the expecting moms reading this let me tell you I tried everything. Red raspberry leaf tea, primrose oil (orally), bouncing on a yoga ball...I honestly think what put me in labor was 1. Getting my membranes stripped 2. Sex 3. Being active the second I thought I was in labor.

In labor

Contractions start at Christmas party at 5pm so we went home early. This is my first child so I didn’t really know if they were contractions or if it was false labor so we didn’t make a big deal of it.

I start being active around the home at 8ish (bouncing, walking, sex)

9pm contractions start becoming consistent at 30 sec long 5 min apart

I wet three panty liners and see pink mucus around 10pm

12 we get admitted for my water breaking and contractions are 45 sec long 2 min apart

When nurse checked me the first test to see if my water broke was negative but as she pulled her fingers out i felt a gush of warm water and felt like I was sitting in a puddle

Second test came back positive my water was broken yay!

After 30 min and no contractions lasting 1 min I start pitocen. Get pain med but it doesn’t do enough so I get an epidural while still 1 cm dilated

I nap 😴

6am I’m at a 4!

8am I’m at a 6 1/2 nurse completed breaking my water when she checked and a lot of fluid came out.

Felt the need to poop around 9am so I asked the nurse to come check me. She said I was fully dilated plus 2 (still don’t really know what that means)

We did practice pushes with the nurse but she saw how fast he was coming so she told me to stop and grabbed the doctor

In about 4 contractions the little guy was here!

The doctor had asked me would I rather tear or be cut, I voted for the episiotomy. That made the nurse laugh a little and say “she’s such a good patient isn’t she”

A few stitches later (didn’t even feel the placenta I was too focused on my little angel) and I’m healing wonderfully!

They put him right on me the second he was born and I had previously thought that I would be grossed out but let me tell you I didn’t care I was so excited to meet this little person that some goo did not bother me one bit.