Should I say something to the photographer?

My husband and I got Christmas photos taken the last week of November. We were told it would be about 2-3 weeks to get them back. She gave us one picture early to use for our Christmas card the day after the session. Well fast forward this is now week 6 that we haven’t gotten any of our other photos back. I asked her for an update a few days ago and she said they’d be uploaded that night. Never heard from her again. I hate coming off as rude but we’re in the new year now still waiting on Christmas photos that we paid close to $500 for not including the other costs for clothes, hair, makeup, etc. Should I say something to her or am I just being impatient? 😕 I feel like it’s a little unprofessional to give someone a timeframe and then take twice as long to get the photos back. Our contact even said around 3 weeks. I’m just looking for some advice.

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