Birth Story

sophia • FTM to a beautiful baby girl.

Ok so this is about 2 months late but i couldn’t get myself to write about it before because i was just way to tired and overwhelmed, but anyways heres my shortish but sweet birth story.

It stared on Sunday night around 2:15am when I was going pee for the millionth time. The only thing was I had noticed bleeding this time... like bright red blood and i hadn’t lost my mucous plug yet. So im freaking while my SO was dead asleep. Mind you I was only 37wks2 and its my first so I went to the worst thought immediately. I called my mom and she told me to go to the hospital and just get checked( better safe than sorry). so i did and like 10 min after the nurse checked me to see how dilated i was( only 1cm🙄) i lost my mucous plug. Immediately i started having contractions a bit painful in the beginning but doable. 20 min later they started hurting to where i couldn’t sleep through them. I wasn’t dilated enough and my water want broken so they sent me home to progress more there which was totally fine by me. so all of Monday i’m having painful contractions. I went to my MIL house to help make dinner that day and then we went on a walk to help me progress and help with the pain of the contractions. After our walk I went to my parents house where me and my mom went go the halloween store to get decorations and my little and brother and sister costumes. By then my contractions had gotten to be very painful and pretty regular, but not long enough or close enough together to go in. So me and my mom took a trip to target to get some extra things that i was going to need in my hospital bag like a nursing tank and some depends for home etc.

Come monday night we are back at our apartment and im in a-lot of pain. I keep timing them with a tracking app but they aren’t regular enough to go in so i stayed awake all night. at about 330 they get to be 3 min apart about and 45sec-1min long. I get up and pack my hospital bag( yes it still wasn’t packed completely) and the i wake up my SO, call my mom and go to the hospital. They take me back up, get me all hooked up and check me again ( 1 1/2 cm dilated😩 ) I started crying Because it hurt so bad but had made almost no progress. they continue to monitor me for 2 hrs meanwhile the nurse give me a heat pack for my back and a birthing ball to labor on. at around 6am she comes in and checks me and im only 2 cm but 90% effaced. So they sent me home. I ended up going to my moms house to labor since it was right down the street from the hospital( our place is 15 min away) and my SO went home to sleep. So im in a huge amount of pain and at this point feeling like im going to puke with every contraction. my monser me up on a birthing ball and cushions to lean on to sleep but also labor on the ball. at 11 I decided to try and sleep... but jokes on me because 11:15am my water broke!!!

My contractions were so bad after that i could barley walk to the car.

So we make it to the hospital and they take me up but the nurse takes forever to get to the er to get me. so i was laboring in a wheelchair for a good 10 min. pissed off. finally we get to L&D and they check me... 5cm!!! those were the best words i had heard all week so far. so they asked me about my birth plan and i said i want to do all natural but might opt for an epidural if i cant take it anymore or if i get to exhausted. so they set the IV up for the epidural and right after checked me again 8 1/2 cm!🤩 I had dilated 31/2 cm in a matter of 15 min. I was in so much pain so i asked it i could do the epidural but they said it was to late. then i asked about other meds and same thing.. ti late to administer. they called the dr and let her know that i was progressing rather fast so she should head over soon. after that i started to progress slowly. at around 150pm i was at a91/2 and my body was pushing itself even though i was trying not to finally i was able at a 10 but Dr wasnt in the room yet so they wouldnt let me push even though she was crowning. Finally dr got in they asked if i would allow 2 young girls who were there for their HS class and let them watch and i said yes. So i start pushing and holly shit that hurts.

5 good pushes and 10 min later my baby girl Ariel Rosemary Bethanne Abello was born!

October 30th, 2018 at 2:04 pm she was 5lbs 13oz, 19.5 in i had her at 37wks3

And this is her now 2 months old weighing 9lbs 8oz and is now 22 in