Finally it was my turn.

Lissa • Mommy to Remington 💙

THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS HERE! After a miscarriage in 2016 and having pcos I’ve always wanted to be a mother in life. The day I found out I was pregnant was the happiest. I got induced 1/6 and arrived at the hospital at 2 1/2cm 75% effaced -3 to -2 station. Got cervidil and left it in for about 11 hours then was dilated to a 3 no change in anything else. Started pitocin at like 9am and nothing forever! I started contractions 2 mins apart with the cervidil and that’s all I had! So I got a epidural to try and relax my body, plus the cervix checks hurt so bad at that point I begged them to stop. Got the epidural after 2 try’s and felt a lot better. Then broke my water and saw he pooped in there! (Side note the epidural makes me ITCHY AS HELL) my doc wasn’t worried about the poop and said now I should dilate because my water was bulging and most likely why I wasn’t dilating. Got to a 4 within the hour, then NOTHING. NO CHANGE TO ANYTHING! they got the pitocin to a 15 (20 is max). And baby started having issues with his heart rate. So we tried different positions and it didn’t work so we shut it off. We let him rest and then tried it again since I wasn’t progressing in hopes he’d come soon. His heart recovered previous but it started again so we decided csection was best. I was soo tired and shakey but otherwise the csection went great and my husband has been amazing the entire time. I’m so in love with him! Be patient ladies your turn is coming, any day💕