
So my ex and is son turns 2 months tomorrow. I accidentally ran into his at work with out son.( hes never been in his sons life since we broke up) so i had my son on the counter of where he works. All his employees came to see the baby. Then i turn around real quick cause i seen him (i didnt know where he worked!) He comes up to him and i then i start getting pissed off still not saying anything. He starts touching him and talking to him. (Our son looks exactly like him and he finally relized it.) I then cant stop it anymore and just go off for the fact he left his son. I told him hes going to loose his parenting right from abandoning him. He then calls me a cunt and whore (i lost my virginity to him) he calls me a bad mother. And parent. How! I have took care of our son since finding oit and been raising him on my own!