21 day cycle & TTC ?

What I was sure was implantation bleeding (brown spotting) has turned into AF... 5 days early. That would mean that my cycle this month was only 21 days. I have been TTC for two months now. I got one depo shot in May, skipped the shot in August so it wore off, and my periods have been trying to regulate ever since. Before depo my cycles were always 32-33 days long and very regular. My periods would sometimes be late but never early. Right now I’m kind of really worried because I feel like maybe the Depo messed up my body. I’m 19 and I never had any history with pcs or anything, I’ve gotten Pap smears, my mother even conceived naturally at age 42! So I don’t see why I should be having problems getting pregnant or why all of a sudden my period is irregular. I’m worried that if my cycle is so

short I’m not ovulating regularly or otherwise something else is wrong... is it worth going to a doctor for & will they run tests and take me seriously even tho I’m young?