TTC a month after miscarriage

Ashley • Army wife, dog mom, pregnant with my rainbow baby due October 4th🤰🏼🌈

Hey ladies so I’ve been ttc for about 3 years now and I found out December 19th that I was pregnant for the very first time, well on the 22nd I ended up miscarrying. My levels went back down to 0 with in a few days due to them never being higher than 34. My doctor told me my thyroid was off and my progesterone was very very low for being pregnant so I am now on medication and I got the ok from my doctor so we are trying again this month with letrozole as my husband leaves for deployment at the end of this month. I got a positive opk on the 5th and we baby danced the 5th, 6th, and 7th. My question is who got pregnant the month after a miscarriage and successfully carried to term? I’m starting to feel discouraged like it’s to soon to get pregnant again and not miscarry😕 Thanks for reading!