Late period & 4 negative at HPT

So my last period was on June 11 & after i miscarried back in January I had 2 of my normal 36 day cycles so after those we started trying again! Well I then started having 45-50 day cycles & I kept testing thinking I was pregnant then I would start my period which were lite. I then started caculating my periods for 50 days well once this month came and I still had not started around 55 days I assumed I was pregnant so I tested & it was negative so i thought I tested to early & waited another week & tested twice in that week still got a negative.. so I went to my local health department to get my scheduled yearly pap & the test there was negative(this was last monday 17th) well they told me that my weight could have something to do with my missed period but seriously I haven't gained much maybe a little comfort weight lol but anyways I just tested again yesterday bcuz I am now 27 days late ...i really don't know what's going on & i just need to hear if maybe others have gone through this or what?! It's starting to get annoying😬😕