Mental Abuse or Nah?!

Me and my so had an argument last night. Well a tiny disagreement...I guess. I tried talking to him and when I did I was on 1 and the way he was talking I felt like he was on 5. Kept asking him why he had an attitude he said he didn't but we all know you can u don't have one and your tone can say something else. Well when he's mad he doesn't talk to me. He will have an attitude with me a ignore me but conversate with everybody else around us like nothing is wrong. So I shut down and dnt say anything. I rather not speak to you cus if I speak and u give me attitude it pisses me off. He got in the bed last night finished his movie. Turned the TV off and lights out ...turned his back to me and went to sleep idk or he was up and just not talking to me. But I was still up. Playing a game on my phone. So how rude. Oh not to mention it was only 10:30. WE NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER SLEEP THAT EARLY. him ignoring me and talking to me like I'm a child isn't the first time this happened. We are to move in together sept 4th in a brand new home. Then this morning he woke up and tried to cuddle with me but Im still pissed off. I'm one of those ppl that can't act like nothing happened that's not me and never will be me. So he got mad I guess cus I didn't cuddle with him and turned the other way. About 30 mins later got up ams he got ready for work. He was taking me to my home this morning and when it was time to leave his exact words were "let's go" . I'm not a child. I'm not his child. The whole way to my house which is about 15 mins away we didn't say a word. Pulled up to my hous I got out and walked and never spoke to him since. I'm over it. Should I leave? Stay? Take a break? Reconsider moving in? Its not ok to talk to me like I'm a child BC your upset about something. Again this is not the first time. I feel so uncomfortable even talking to him sometimes. We been together for a little over a year. I'm starting to think that's why I haven't gotten pregnant yet BC god doesn't think we're ready. Its mentally draining and hurtful to ignore me but when speaking to others he's perfectly fine . laughin joking etc. Its something I don't have know about him that I need to figure out. We talk about my ex but the only ex of his we ever talked about was his bm. And she's very nice . I wonder if he has control issues or anger issues. Idk. I just know I've had a relationship before that started off like this and didn't end well. What should I do? What do y'all think? He's needs to appreciate me or I'm out.