UTI from a different pad brand?

Tessa • SAHM to a blind disabled toddler 😘👧🏼🧑🏼🧔🏻🐈🐈🐕

This is probably a stupid question, but is there any way I can get a UTI from a pad? I’m not talking like, I didn’t change the pad regularly, I mean like from switching brands or something. I bought a different brand than my usual (I normally use Kroger brand, but this time I bought always) and Ive only been using them for a couple days (I’m on day 4 of my period) I did have sex the day before my period started, so maybe that’s why, but we had both just showered and I peed when we were done. He did eat me out though 🤔 hmm.. I’m setting up a doctors appointment for in a few days, and I started drinking cranberry juice this morning, my diet isn’t the greatest (LOTS of soda/junk food) so I’m sure that has some sort of play into this whole thing.

Sorry I rambled 😂