Our only option is husband has to do a testicle biopsy to see if they can find sperm 50/50 chance. Is it worth it????

Bailey • Ava Madeline🧸 07/23/2020🌈 IVF baby

We found out today our only option is to do the surgery where they cut into his testicles and look for sperm the doctor started him on clomid for 2 months in hopes to increase our chance of finding sperm for his surgery I’m so sad guys you have no idea 50/50 chance is still really low. If they find anything it will be used for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>.

I think we will go through with it but I’m so sad guys. Like I was holding so much in when he told us the news.

Have any one of y’all had success doing this?

I think if it works it will be so worth it but if it doesn’t we wasted money when we could’ve did a sperm doner.

The doctor said we should discuss whether we want to do the surgery or a doner or adoption.

But our only choice after the surgery is doner.

I want to experience the pregnancy. But I will still be real sad knowing it’s not my husbands baby how did I cope? My so keeps saying I’m acting like the end of the world and they will find sperm but I know it’s 50/50 chance.

I don’t know how to handle the feelings of all of this. To me it’s not okay but to him he seems calm.