Ready for another!



Any mommas trying to get pregnant already or in the near future? I am planning to start as soon as my doctor gives me the go ahead. Any advice on how to increase chances of convincing? I’m exclusively breast feeding so I don’t get my period, not sure how else to determine when chances are highest.

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Posted at
Not me😂😂😂😂😂
Not me😂😂😂😂😂


SD • Jan 10, 2019
I’m almost the same. Mine are 14,10, 15 months, and two months


JG • Jan 8, 2019
My baby brother and sister are 11 months apart and my baby sister and I are almost 15 years apart. I pretty much raised my siblings and it was incredibly difficult for them being so close in age. BUT they’re are very close and share a special bond together.


Au • Jan 8, 2019
But that’s a good thing. My kids are 12,9 and 2 months. Lol. Not sure if it’s easier or harder this way 😩


Posted at
🙅🏼‍♀️ NO WAY! We’re done having kids. We already have two daughters and my son just turn 8 weeks old. I’m also 38. No more babies for us!


Posted at
My last baby (before this one) we started trying at 6 weeks and it took us six months to conceive. You are super fertile the first 6 months after giving birth. I was breastfeeding when I conceived so as long as you are not breastfeeding every 2 hrs on the dot it’s totally possible to become pregnant. We weren’t expecting it to happen so soon since he took 13 cycles and we had four miscarriages previously but our baby boy and baby girl are 13 months apartAnd I always make hem match 😂😂


SD • Jan 9, 2019
Yes. I don’t know a ton about it but you can research it. It’s called the LAM method. From what I understand if your baby is under 6 months and you exclusively breastfeed every few hrs without long stretches it prevents 98 percent of pregnancies but don’t quote me on it


SD • Jan 9, 2019
Thank you


Anabel • Jan 9, 2019
I had no idea the frequency you nurse affected it! So if I do nurse regularly my chances are less?


Posted at
I am!! We want our little ones close in age so we’ve been trying I’m 7 weeks postpartum


Posted at
Definitely ready for another, I think 2 weeks after LO was born I was ready. I miss being pregnant!!. But definitely not trying anytime soon, in 2 years I will try agian.