No so Mrs. Fasionista 🤦🏻‍♀️

Beth • •Mommy to a little girl 7/16/17 and little boy 11/10/18•Married my best friend 10/28/22•Tubal 11/2018•DV Survivor 💜

*These are twins with two different senses of styles! Both dresses will be worn!*

Okay ladies. I need your opinions. My little cousins want me to help them decide how to do their hair and makeup and what shoes to wear for their school dance!

Here’s the first dress:

She thinks she wants shoes kind of like this:

What do y’all think? Also, what makeup and hairstyle would y’all do?

Second dress is:

Should she get it cut shorter? What shoes would you pair with this? Also, hair and make up ideas?

I’m so lost, but if I have some ideas, I can definitely find something! 🙈