Out of Town-ers


Anyone else having trouble TTC when both partners have a crazy work schedule that includes one or both of the partners going out of town for work???

We have been TTC on and off for about 7 years now without medical intervention. I am 27 and he is 28. It has proven to be much harder than we thought. :(

Hubby and I are now engaged and the wedding is July 5th ( our 10 year anniversary), so we are taking up as many hours as we can to save for the wedding as well as a potential baby.

Hubby is an electrician and works all over the world and I've been picking up a lot of overnights with my PCA work on top of the restaurant I work at during the day.

Today I ovulate. CM is on point as well as cervical position. But there is a problem; hubby is out of town working.

It seems that every month this happens and it's a little (a lot) disheartening. We can do everything right all month long and the most important days we end up separated from one another. (Through no choice of our own just crappy coincidence).

I'm just looking at the next three weeks, and he is gone all of next week. And then I have a week of overnight shifts while working at the restaurant during the day and probably won't be feeling so sexy. It just seems like a neverending struggle.

If any of you beautiful ladies are going through the same thing feel free to reach out. how do you handle it?