Take the chance and save a life, they may save yours back ❤️


For those who don’t know this is my two year old rescue we got back in October, he was abused, neglected and and unloved. His old Owner tattood him on his own with his own gun. Hades came to me because my boyfriend brought him home. Me being uncertain already having a puppy and a little one was expecting a challenge with him being a Cane Corso and 130 lbs. Little did I know.... he would be one of the BEST thing that has happened to our family 😭

He didn’t come to me with this smile.. he came sad and fearful. He and me instantly bonded. Can you tell?

Yes he’s huge, yes he looks scary (when your not living in our house), and yes HE FARTS likes a Clydesdale 😷 but he has really helped me in so many ways!

As I said before we have a break n entire when me and my daughter where sleeping. Since than I have struggled with anxiety about being home alone and going outside once it’s dark. Since bringing him home. I don’t! He is an amazing guard dog and will sure as he’ll let anyone know he’s there and YOUR not coming in unless we allow you.

He is an Angel to our lives 🥰

And is a gentle giant to my daughter

Tonight he kept taking her blankets because he wanted to sleep in her bed. He wasn’t having bed time for neither of them 🤣 yet he’s here right now in bed with me no issues haha.

He’s all snuggled up looking like a house hippo ❤️ happy as can be 😁

Along with his St. Bernard brother buck who has been a huge help with bringing Hades joy, confidence and helped with gaining trust within the family ❤️

Moral of my story here is not to judge a book by its cover, because it can hold the best story.