Getting scared

Nicole • Momma of 2 🌈👧❤🌈👧❤

So as of today I'm 8w5d and I'm getting scared that something is going to go wrong.

I had a MC last October and only made it to 9 weeks. When they did the ultrasound to see if I was having a mc they saw that the baby had only grown to 7 weeks.

Things are different this time, different symptoms, and the symptoms that I did have last time are stronger this time around. The doctors say that everything looks and sounds good.

I had an ultrasound at 6w2d and we got to hear our Rainbow Baby's heart beat and the ultrasound tech said everything looked great. So I guess I'm just scared for no reason, but I am so I'm trying to take it one day at a time.

A little over 3 weeks until my next appointment when they will use the Doppler to hear the heart beat. So hopefully after that I will feel better.

Thanks for listening.