Herpes Simplex Virus - freaking out!

Mommy K

Hi all! Im hoping to get some relief as Ive been worried every night anout my 8 month old getting the herpes virus.

I currently have an outbreak (cold sore- type 1), a bad one. I tend to get at least one outbreak every year, but this was one of the worst ive had. ( try 3-4 cold sores on my lips!) Ive had it since Dec 31st. The smaller have cleared, but the larged one is still scabbed.

Knowing this could be deadly to my little one i immediately stopped putting my lips on her ( i dont kiss her but on the top of her head or on her cheek for this very reason) and i wore a face mask for the first few days. Now thats it scabbed up, i know its still contagious until its completely gone... but tonight she somehow got a hold of my fork i was eating off of and she *might* have stuck it in her mouth. Any advice on what to do? She was in my lap and it fell off the plate in the chair and she grabbed it and i heard her bang it. I took it away immediately after.

Maybe if anything, just need some advice to not freak out to much. Any moms have this same problem?