Now Hiring.

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 6 months now. We are Long Distance, living 2.5 hours away from each other. During the summer he has work, helping to clean up after and fight forest fires, however during the rest of the year he doesn't work and just collects unemployment. He claims he is trying to find a job, but he doesn't want to get one if it means he won't be able to do the firefighting in the summer.

He is nearly 25 years old, has a child(not mine) and plays video games all night, sleeps most of the day away. I love him, and don't want to lose him but this job issue is weighing on me. He is always low on funds which causes him not to be able to buy himself food, he cant visit me as often etc.

I have brought it up that it bothers me and he says hes looking for work, his mom even tells him he needs work too..

What can I do or say that will make him realize he needs to grow the eff up and be an adult?

*Edit* He lives in a home with a friend of his, paying rent and his daughter's mother has primary custody of her but he spends as much time as he can with her and does help pay for her and her activities etc.