6 Days Late... 🧐 Opinions On My Confusion Will Help!



I’ve always had somewhat irregular periods since I been on birth control for since 2015. Sometimes it comes regularly for some months, others they are delayed, and other times, I spot in between 😩 I got off BC in September of 2018 when I got my last shot of Depo then. I got my period Dec 11th. I’ve logged my last period into three different apps. <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">GLOW app</a> says I’m 6 days late, another app says I’m beginning my period tomorrow, another says I begin it today. How is it that I logged the same days in and every app is giving me something totally different? Should I even bother to test? I don’t think you can get pregnant this fast after being on birth control (nexplanon) for 3 years and then the Depo for only 2 shots... right??