please help me!! it's abit long and confusing but i need some advice!!!

okay ill try and keep this as short as possible...

so me and my fiancé have been ttc for a little over a year now, back in june we had a chemical pregnancy... it was all confirmed by doctors and my levels went back to 0....

it was awful- i soon fell pregnant again after that, had a blazing positive pregnancy test- when as before all i got were very faint lines....

i got one cleR positive then the next day a very very dark positive line!!! then the day after that.... nothing....

i tested again for the next few days and they were all negatives, i called my doctor and asked if i should come in for frequent bloods like last time but he said in all honesty i would probably start to bleed some and my body would take care of the rest- and not to put myself through watching the numbers fall again.... so i never followed up with my doctor....

about 1.5 weeks later i started to bleed, was similar to a period, but slightly shorter and lighter, still red blood but almost very watery - (TMI- it didn't have the same smell either?)

so i called my dr and he told me this was me having the chemical and it was normal...

we decided to stop trying for a while after that to avoid anymore heart break... and since then i've had my 'normal' periods except they are still light and only last a few days... rather than my usual 5/6...... and sometimes i'm a few days late aswell....

well all this week i've started to notice weird things like not liking foods and just feeling strange.... and i can't explain it but i also feel like my lower abdomen is always full/swollen, not painful, just feels heavy, i'm very skinny and i almost look like i have a beer belly when i try to do up my high waisted jeans.....

i've taken a few tests over the past few days and they're all either vvvf lines/indents or negative- but then im reading that hug falls again after a certain amount of time?!

does anyone think i could still be pregnant??? i've requested bloods to be done and i'm just waiting for a call back from the doctor..... but i'm freaking out....

is there anyway i still might be pregnant????