Needles are the devil lol

I went to the doctor today for my monthly appointment after drinking the glucose test stuff, which wasn't terrible but still wasn't good. They prick my finger and all that stuff which doesn't bother me. Then the nurse pokes her head in the door asking if I wanted to go ahead and do the rh- shot since I'm O- and my husband is O+. I really didn't want to since I had already done the finger prick; but my husband said why don't you just go ahead and get it done since we are already here and that way you won't have to make a separate trip just for that. So I did it after my appointment was over with. She drew blood from my arm first which surprisingly didn't hurt like it normally would. Then she does the shot. I can now say I've had a shot in my butt. Needless to say I still hate needles lol.