Endometriosis? PCOS? PID? What is this??

First let me start out by saying i had a baby 8 months ago and I know my body will not be completely normal after but I’m worried about something being wrong. Ever since August I’ve had very severe lower back pain and a lot of sciatic pain. 2 weeks ago I had symptoms of another BV flare up (itchy/burning on the outside of my vaj, no painful urination, no pain or bad feeling on the inside) it went away as soon as I started pounding the cranberry juice and probiotics though. A couple days ago I started having VERY crampy bad lower back and pelvic pain almost felt like I was in labor again. I pushed through it and it went away the next day. Then last night I developed a really sudden and bad cough, very sharp chest pains right under my boobs, and typical chest soreness. Today my entire body has been extremely sore and hurting and I’ve had a lot of pelvic pain again especially where my ovaries are. My left ovary area keeps having sharp pains. Chills, sweats, headache, nauseous typical flu symptoms. It feels like I keep having to go to the bathroom #2 but nothing is happening and every time I’ve gone #1 it’s been barely dribbles. I’ve been keeping up on fluids though so I’m not sure why.

Could this just be the flu or should I be worried about a bad infection? Anybody experience something similar?

Will an urgent care be able to help with this? I don’t have insurance right now so I really would like to avoid the ER.