
Had a very strange dream during a nap. It was a relatively typical day, took this really cute marine out for the best weekend of his life before he shipped out. The thing was, I was a reporter told to do a story on the shortest, but strongest marine to come out of my hometown, the tiny place I grew up. We'd had an amazing time and I fell hard for him. I ended up getting really sick shortly after, he used his leave to come see me. Everyone thought I was stringing him along and he overheard a conversation that was between 2 of my coworkers about how they thought I was messing with his heart.

I was put under a medically induced coma after seeing his face, and he left, placed a letter on my chest and was gone. I opened the letter as soon as they let me. It was a goodbye note from the man I loved. I lost it. I went crazy and enlisted and went after him. I ended up in the same base he was just as we were attacked by something weird. Creatures that couldn't stand to be sprayed by fresh water/liquid, but spread poison and disease. My love was affected drastically by them and I saved him. When he came to and saw me looking at him with worry and love and fear he fell back into himself and started fighting with me. We were married at the base, and we had kids.

I ended up waking up with the expectation of seeing him next to me........ the thing I need advice with is do any of you dream like that? And no I can't remember his name, but I know his face and it is not one I ever want to see again. This is the 3rd time I've seen his face in my dreams. What do I do? Chalk it up as a dream? Or as something more?