Weird things happening!!

So I’ve been feeling pretty weird lately and according to <a href="">Eve</a> my period is 3 days late. I had unprotected sex the 27th of Dec. and the 4th of this month. I’m really not worried about the late period since I’m super irregular so it’s a common thing for me to not get it for months at a time but lately I’ve been experiencing new things like I’ve been super bloated for the past week and I had some light spotting for 2 days. I’ve never had spotting for any reason so it’s obviously pretty weird to get that and my boobs started to feel sore but well not actually my boobs it’s just my nipples that feel sore and sensitive. I’ve also been having some really light cramps for a couple days now they started on the 5th and I keep getting them everyday here and there. Should I take a test?