All in my head? 🤯


Hi Ladies.

I'm a recent newlywed October 2018. We could barely keep our hands off each other, there was sparks and excitement.

I still feel this way, I get excited when I see my husband, he is the first person I want to talk to about my day, who I want to make love to and snuggle upto at night.

Within the last couple of days I feel very unwanted and lonely. I've expressed how I feel but he tells me it's all in my head.

His best mate lives with us as well as our 8 year old son. Hubby started a new job on tuesday, got home about 10pm and the first person he wanted to talk to about his day was his mate. Didnt even walk into say hi to me. Just straight outside to see his mate and smoke (they spend all their time together just smoking and talking).

Last night I hit him up for special cuddles and he turned me down. (Knowing that after I left for work he got himself off to porn). So when he finally came to bed I asked him about normal cuddles he still shot me down, thinking I was asking for sex again even though he already told me no.

I dont listen was his arguement. He is sore and tired from work, its mentally straining.

I understand that there cant always be sparks and excitement in the marriage but when I feel like a third wheel to you and your mate what am I expected to do?

I give him the space he needs. I allow him to spend the majority of his time with his mate, no questions asked but when I come to him to say I want some couple time I feel like the worst person in the world.

His other arguement is, who does he come home to? Who does he sleep next to at night? Who did he marry?

Am I wrong to be feeling sidelined and unwanted?