Used a dildo

I’m a virgin, I used a dildo for the first time today. Lately when I’ve masturbated I’ve just kind of inserted the tip and no more to just get used to it. Today I decided I was going to fully insert it. It took a while as I made sure I was lubed up first and all that. It took ages to actually be able to insert it, it kept hitting something just a couple of centimetres inside which when I pressed further hurt a little bit but I just kept trying. Anyway then it went in but not all the way (it’s 6 inches shouldn’t it all fit?) It was uncomfortable and a bit painful but nowhere near as bad as I expected. But I didn’t bleed does that mean I didn’t break/stretch/tear my hymen? And I couldn’t thrust with it either because it was hard to pull back out I don’t know if that’s because it’s thick and I’ve never had anything more than a finger in there before?? So after that I just stopped and got off with clitoral stimulation only. But is all that normal? It’s stinging a bit now down there but not painful. Have i done something wrong to make it difficult to get out?? Sorry this is so tmi I just need some input from someone with more experience than me 😭