How to nicely reject my mil advice ?

So we came to visit my in-laws for a week n my mil has gotten me to the point where I’m starting to get snappy . She doesn’t really get / doesn’t acknowledge that I had sever ppd with my first hence why I’m so distant from him . He’s really independent as a one year old . He plays by himself an when we try to play w him he gets bored n goes back to doing his own thing . And he’s pretty heavy now almost 30 lbs for 18 month old . I still struggle with ppd with my second but it comes out in different ways like in high anxiety attacks . But yknow I tell him I love him and play with him occasionally since I breastfeed my second I don’t have much time for my first but I try to even out my time but it’s hard . But my mil doesn’t acknowledge my ppd causes me to be distant and not such a bond between me and my first . She just says I ignore him “but I’m not a bad mom “ like wtf is that suppose to mean . Anyways how can I tell her I don’t want her advice !!! But yknow w out being a total ass because I still have ppd and my therapist even says I’m on a verge of having a mental breakdown soon . An I’m really trying to avoid triggers