I need some advice guys☹️

Molly • insta: @glamxmolly

I’m going to try and make this as short as possible. Way back in elementary school I became friends with this girl, we’ll call her A. We had been best friends for 7+ years, but in middle/high school us two became friends with another girl and we’ll call her Z. Things were fine, but Z ended up getting in between me and A, telling lies about me to A and just ruining everything. The hardest part was that A believed everything Z said and dropped me even though we had been friends for 7+ years.

I got over her dropping me and found new friends to finish off high school with and everything was perfect. As I got older, I found out that both my parents were friends with A on Facebook and that bothered me A LOT. They knew I wasn’t friends with her and yet they’re friends with her on Facebook and even message her on there.

And for the past few months A has been going through my parents and trying to get me to hang out with her because she’s “sorry about everything that happened.” I didn’t want any part in that because she really hurt me and I have friends now that have been with me for a long time. I’m no longer interested in being friends with her and I feel like this is valid.

HOWEVER, my parents both got annoyed with me when I expressed this to them and they told me to “get off my high horse and just go out with her.” This really hurt me because they’re my parents. They’re supposed to back me up.

So to appease them I went out with A and hung out for a while. It was okay, but I wasn’t thrilled to be out with her. That was a few months ago. I’m now moving into my own apartment and the other day my mom tells me she was talking to A and TOLD HER I WAS GETTING AN APARTMENT AND THAT I WAS LOOKING TO HAVE GUESTS OVER. I was so angry with her for doing that.

A has been trying to hang out with me again, but I really have no interest in it.

(I am so sorry for how long this was omg)

So here are my dilemmas:

1. My parents are friends with her and talk to A (mind you, MY MOM HAS ME BLOCKED ON FACEBOOK, BUT TALKS TO HER??) I feel extremely uncomfortable with them being friends with her. What do I do?

2. How do I get the point across to A that I just don’t want to have a friendship with her?