We’ll be meeting baby girl in March, instead (sorry...long)


I just need to get this out there....sorry it’s long.

So, a little background....this pregnancy has been wild. It took us a year and a half to get pregnant. When I was almost 8 weeks, I had crazy pains, so we went in thinking it was ectopic, only to find out we were pregnant with triplets!! We ended up losing the set of mo/mo twins around 12-13 weeks, but I’ve been considered very high risk since then.

We have ultrasounds once a week at this point (27w3d) due to her measuring extremely small (about 3 weeks behind) and have been seeing a MFM the entire time. Yesterday, he told us that he’s shocked baby girl made it this far, as she’s basically still developing as a very high risk triplet. (Thanks for withholding your doubt, Doc....)

He also dropped the bomb on us that we’re going to be induced at 37 weeks, if I make it that far, and that I’d likely end up with an emergency c-section, due to the stress of labor on a growth restricted baby.

All of this is subject to change, if she shows signs of distress...they could take her even earlier. We had JUST started to think I that a “normal” labor and birth were within our grasps, after the craziness of the start of our pregnancy, as the last couple appts have shown her growing and happy in there.

Meanwhile, life has been so crazy that we haven’t really started to prep for her and now I’m panicking slightly.

We literally just opened our own CrossFit box and I’m doing 90% of the coaching (on top of working full time, etc). A c-section scares the shit out of me due to the recovery time!! I don’t have time for that!

Gah!! If you stuck around, thank you! It’s been crazy and now another curveball has been thrown our way. I just needed to vent.

Happy Friday!