Baby#5 is official

Maria Angel

About a month ago I found out I was in fact expecting baby #5 but because I was diagnosed with having a cyst on the outside of my left ovary I was reluctant to believe that I'd be so so blessed since I've been told that cysts can set off the pregnancy hormone and give faulse positive test results, well the other day I finally had my dr appt just to check things out and find out if I'm for sure pregnant after having 3 positive pregnancy tests within the month or just dealing with this cyst to my shock when the dr performed the ultrasound to check things out the first words out of her mouth were "there is a baby in there sister" I was in shock so I didn't want to see at first then I did oh my gosh it is so adorable it was in there moving around and everything bonus of the day also was we got to hear the heartbeating.It totally looked like a gummy bear.

Between my guy and I we've got 6 children all girls mind you so yeah we are hoping for a boy but as long as it's healthy then we will be just as happy

I will be 3months next week