I basically just want to cry

So I had an early miscarriage in Nov. I ended up bleeding from Dec.4th-9th. My levels were tracked down to 0 before i started to bleed. So now i am playing a wait game. One app said I should start the 4th, another app said I should start the 6th. Glow says I should start today. I had a blood test yesterday and they said my levels were 2. Which means negative. I took a test this morning before finding out those results and i swear I see a line. I have sore breasts and cramping on the left side, and occasionally it goes to the center, and frequent urination, lower back pain. Still no bleeding, and really no signs or feeling like AF is coming. I'm starting to feel like this is all in my head. I had to perfectly healthy pregnancy before this and this last one was my first miscarriage. I feel so defeated and just irritated.