Grandma Troubles

Let me start off with saying, my in laws have a somewhat bumpy past with me. My hunny got drunk about 3 years ago in the midst of one of our arguments and confided in his mom. (Which he learned the hard way relationship problems just arent something he can speak to his parents about). And his mom acted, welllll childish to say the least. He was still living at home, he was 21, we were 2 years into our relationship but as everyone knows, 21 is tough. Anywho, they decided that i was no longer welcome in their home because she "didnt feel like i was the one". Ever since, things have been VERY tense. We bought our own house, and just had a baby 4 months ago. Amongst this, i decided id put in double effort with her. His dad came around and now loves me, her not so much. My hunny has had multiple talks and she just brushes it off. Well, i know grandparents have an idea of how having grandchildren should be. Her mother was CLINGY. She called EVERY. DAY. to make sure that his mother had ate, slept well, and was taking care of herself and if his mother didnt answer her phone, his grandmother would go as far as to have someone go check on them. She did this everyday until she died. My hunny and i know that we dont want that type of clingy in our lives. He has a very hard time dealing with his mom because she is so attached and does not want to let go. But with that, she will eventually get it (i hope). Our daughter on the other hand, she is having a hard time with. I stay at home so we rarely need a sitter and we love bringing her with us everywhere. We are all about experiences, even small ones. His mom doesnt like that. She doesnt think she gets to see her enough, she feels it should be weekly. She also ignored our request at having people over before our daughter has all of her shots (i didnt get the tdap while pregnant and had a complicated delivery, so shes more prone to sickness until they give her give her 2 rounds of tdap at 6 months). We give her 2 fridays a month to watch her yet she has a hard time listening or coming to terms that its not her child and she has to ask things. She does not like that we parent differently than what she would. Even got nasty about the fact we decided to not baptize our daughter and to raise her with any and all veiws and to let her decide one day what she wants. She also never had a daughter, just three boys, so she has a very unusual attachment. When i drop her off and stay to talk, she basically ignores me and takes my baby and walks off. There have been numerous times weve visited and she tries to get us to leave but leave our daughter and gets defensive when we dont. If i ever mention stopping in to visit without my hunny she makes comments such as "yeah you can drop vi off and do whatever". Im just not sure what to do and my hunny even wants to eliminate the 2 fridays she has her because things are getting awkward, tense, and way out of hand and she continuously just blows him off like hes still a child and nothing he says is important. She doesnt want to do things our way even though its our child and she thinks she can do anything and everything without asking or being corrected if we dont agree. Any and all advice is MUCH needed. I just want things to be somewhat smooth and for them to accept that im here and making an effort.