In- Laws

Rachel • 👧👶

With my first child we asked that no one post her picture or name until we were ready and all the family knew. My in laws immediately posted it on their Facebook like we never said anything. This child we arent announcing his name and again requesting he not be posted online until we are ready. I birthed these kids so I don't see why it's so hard to respect my one wish. So today I posted a bump picture on Facebook and my father in law immediately comments my baby name on the picture. I just dont know what to do anymore. It seems like they just dont care. I dont know how to explain this without them hating me. You can just tell they dont like being asked not to do things like this. I regret ever telling them this babys name. I dont know why this is so hard. If I push a kid out of my vagina I get to announce it. It might be silly but I want to be the one to share this with my friends and family. Any suggestions? Am I just being hormonal?