Help Me Get Over This Girl

This girl was and still kind of is someone who’s very important to me. She was the girl I came out for and the first girl I ever brought home to my family. We dated for 3 months(stupid and short, i know), and for some reason I just can’t get her out of my head. I went through and deleted the photos, videos, texts. I burned and ripped pictures after a very huge mental breakdown. I don’t know if I think i’m still in love with her because she came into my life a month after my dad passed or if it’s because she really just meant that much to me. After my father’s passing, I smoked a lot of weed and a cigarette every now and then, which helped. Then I met her. She turned my world upside down all the over again, and I was completely okay with it. She helped me realize that it wasn’t my fault, and that I wasn’t to blame. She listened to me cry and was there for me when I had one of many anxiety attacks at her house, and then again at my own. I called her my sunshine. Before her, life was bleak and dark. I took one look at that beautiful girl, and my world lit up again. The storm clouds of negativity in my life disappeared, and this amazing girl helped me become myself again. After losing a parent, no one is really themselves. I understand that. I lost my step mom at 8, my step father at 11, and my dad recently in June at 15. I know i’m very young and that i should be worried about high school, college, what I’m wearing to prom, and my grief, but she’s one of the only things on my mind 25/8. I don’t know if it’s because she helped me through things that I still don’t understand or if it’s because she was someone I truly cared about. I just need some advice because my friends are truly sick of hearing about my it. My best friend understands, but he doesn’t get it, and i know he’s tired of hearing about the girl who broke his best friend’s heart. What is it that I can do to make things hurt less? I know the bad feelings should’ve stopped by now, but they haven’t. I need some advice. Any mom’s out there that can tell me what they’d tell their own child would be appreciated, and so would anyone else’s opinion on what I should do.