Help completely confused

Okay so I’m 18 I missed my period I have regular periods so I went to the dr and got a blood pregnancy test (because home tests were negative and I was having symptoms) the dr was extremely short with me and acted like I knew nothing about my body she was in the room for a total of maybe 5 minutes barely asked me any questions about symptoms or y I thought I needed a pregnancy test when my period was or anything so she ordered a blood test after a few times of asking her so a few days later I go and get blood work, wait for the test results I went online to see the results and it said Neg then it said post menopausal..... I have no idea what that means I am just completely confused I ended up maybe getting my period but idk if it was spotting or what. If I’m being a complete idiot I’m sorry I just have been freaking out over this please help