So tired of trying..

Chelsea • 25. Unsuccessfully ttc for 6yrs for #1 and had 2 losses before divorcing my ex husband. 👼👼 1st mc 5-2-16. 2nd mc 10-23-17 And 2 mc's since the divorce 3rd mc 09-26-19 July 2020
I just don't know what to do anymore. My husband and I have been trying for over a year and half ( yes I know many people try longer) but I'm so tired I just want a baby! I'm currently 2 days late and got a BFN on a test yesterday. I know there's still a chance I could be I just don't understand why it's so hard for some people.. It's just not fair! Hoping this ends up being our month but I'm just having a little pitty party. #RantOver