Weed for PTSD and anxiety

I have been diagnosed with anxiety, PTSD, and depression. I was on a low dose of Zoloft for over a year and went off of it because I wasn’t getting any effect. I literally didn’t notice any difference when I was taken off of it. (I did it while consulting with my doctor. I didn’t just stop taking it, and I do not condone anyone stopping their medication without consulting their doctor). I started smoking after I met my boyfriend, and it’s helped me manage my anxiety and PTSD. Has it been a magical cure? No, but it makes it manageable, and it has all but totally eliminated my nightmares. We’re going to be running out with no way to get any. I’m just not looking forward to not being able to sleep until my body literally can’t stay awake. I’m not looking forward to my nightmares coming back. I used to have nightmares practically every night, and I haven’t missed it. I was abused by my father until he committed suicide when I was 18. Honestly, I try not to think about him as much as possible. I barely have any pictures of him, and if they exist, I haven’t seen them since they were taken. The most I’ve seen his face since he died has been in my bad dreams, and to be honest I didn’t mind his face fading from my memory.

I read a few articles about how stopping smoking can make dreams much more vivid and frequent. Needless to say I’m dreading that. Does anyone know of something that might help? Please don’t be judgmental. I’m not looking to try to buy any. I just want some suggestions for dealing with my anxiety attacks (which I tend to get at night after my boyfriend’s gone to sleep) and the nightmares.