1 week pp C-section bleeding... I’m scared!!!

So I had my baby a week ago today and everything was going fine. No unbearable pain, easy to move around and sit down and get up and out of bed, however I have a hanging (apron) belly so I took a gauze like cloth on my fold on my incision to prevent moisture... every time I go pee I check the gauze and look for any discharge or bleeding, didn’t see any blood only a bit of discharge on the corner of my incision but nothing alarming... so today around 10pm I go pee and when I took out the cloth to check I saw blood as long as my incision and I’m completely freaking out... I don’t have any pain only the same stinging sensation on the left corner of my incision... I had my husband check he said just looked moist but nothing alarming, however, I’m freaking out so bad over the blood!!! Any of you C-section mommas have experienced the same? Should I head over to the ER!?! Help!!!! TIA