Just found out the guy I’ve been seeing has a live in gf/babymama and an 8 year old son.

I’m bawling my eyes out. I literally got all my feelings involved and thought he was something special. He made me feel special... he told me I was different, special, beautiful, that we had great chemistry. I believed him. now everything he told me is a lie, and stuff that didn’t make sense is now making sense and through her Facebook page I realized the home he had brought me in, and had sex with me in before, was actually their home and he brought me there while she was away at work and his son was at school. He told me he didn’t even live in that home, that it was a female relative’s. he’d always check if anyone was in there first before we came in and did anything and we never went upstairs. Now I know why.

I feel dumb and used and foolish. He never really cared. And he won’t care that I’m hurt. He cares about his gf and son. Not me. Why is it that everytime I’m happy something takes it all away. I’m quiet, nice to everyone I meet, but none of it matters. I thought he was the one. Nobody cares about me. I guess I’m not worth anyone really wanting me or being honest with me. I thought my life was finally looking up but it just lifted me up and brought me down as usual. I have to go back to my regular life now pretending I never met this guy I damn near fell in love with, and it’s gonna suck because I don’t think I can trust anyone anymore. we had plans to do so much, and it was all bullshit. my friend just asked me why was I crying on FaceTime I told her I can’t even talk about it right now. I just genuinely liked this guy and he ripped my heart out. He doesn’t even know I just found out. I haven’t even told him anything yet because it’s 3 in the morning he’s probably asleep with his gf. I can’t take this. On top of that I have to go back to school on the 14th, and I have work in 5 hours. I have no idea how I’m going to focus on either