Should comedians drink alcohol on stage?


I went to a comedy show a while ago with my family and boyfriend in a small venue where they served dinner and drinks to our tables. These comedians were in no way famous comedians, but still pretty good. However, throughout the show, one specific comedian kept cheers-ing with the crowd. Her whole set overall was good but you could definitely tell she had had a few drinks (slightly slurred speech, kinda wobbly, etc.). At the end of the show, she hurried into the bathroom and one woman at our table came back from the bathroom herself telling us that she heard the comedian puking in the bathroom. Do you think drinking on the job in these types of scenarios is appropriate? Should there be a limit? Are there other jobs that follow the same rules of appropriateness when it comes to drinking on the job? As a person who paid money to see an entertainer, would you feel like you didn’t get your money’s worth if the comedian got drunk on stage?

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