

I've been having a really hard time for the past (almost) two weeks and I felt that maybe posting here would help me to find some support.

I had been off of Glow for about a month and a half after my now husband and I found out we were pregnant. Short version of the story, we thought we were by accident at one point about 4 months ago, found out we weren't, and decided we wanted to actually try. It took about 2 months, but we were successful. I took like 6 tests and when they all came out positive, we were both so, so excited. Freaking out, but excited. The first thing I did was go out and buy a "What to Expect" book for both of us.

We knew for nearly a month and a half, but were trying to wait to tell people until we were out of the "danger zone". We also were trying to get everything together for our wedding, so I had not yet seen a doctor...that was first on the list of things to do as a married couple. So, we made it through the wedding, took a short trip to the mountains for a little relaxation, and two days after we got back, I was at work when I began to miscarry. Thank God my husband and I work together, so he was with me. We work in a restaurant and had to leave our shifts early to go to the hospital, where we spent about 7-8 hours Saturday night into Sunday morning. The days following were easily the hardest of my life thus far. I was in unspeakable physical and emotional pain, and would bounce between crying my eyes out to blind anger. My mom came in from out of town and she and my husband were constantly with me to make sure I was ok.

Since all of this happened, I have talked to a couple close friends, as well as both of our mothers. I definitely have an amazing support system, but none of them have really been in this position, so I feel like they can't relate. Additionally, I still find myself to be horribly emotional and feeling SO guilty. I'm sure that there are some of you out there who have been in the same position, so if any of you would like to share stories and/or how you cope, please do!