Our “someday” is FINALLY here!!


I am 32 and had my first child at 21. Her father and I did not work out and he actually walked away and chose not to be a dad.. being a single mom for many years having another child was always something I wanted but it was never the right time.

Fast forward years later, I put myself back through school, settled into a career, and found the absolute man of my dreams! We were married a year ago this past July. He is the MOST AMAZING husband and father!

He has no biological children of his own so we were more then ready to add to our family.

We started trying a year ago this past October with no luck. Month after month and test after test we were not pregnant and it was devastating! A few months ago I started to go to church again and really found my faith that I had lost a long time ago ( I know and respect that not everyone is religious). Bringing god back into my heart was empowering and life changing! I finally just gave my worries and troubles to him and trusted his plan for us.

Well guess what folks... we are pregnant and there are no words!!! My prayers have been answered, God is good!!

Hang in there ladies and no matter what you believe in have faith!!