More Update on the blighted ovum.


Hey ladies that have been kind enough to give me kind words encouragement, share your stories with me. THANK YOU!!

I had my d&c yesterday. I was fortunate enough to not have an ectopic miscarriage, so I'll be able to try again later. Right now I'm just numb, & in a bit of pain. This was supposed to be my rainbow baby after I lost on in January this year. I was 10w 1 day. I'm heartbroken & have many unanswered question in my mind I'm driving myself crazy with. I know ill be okay eventually b/c when he's ready GOD will gift us with a rainbow baby that is healthy, & strong. So if you're reading this, please say a little prayer for my family & for my recovery, acceptance of yet another loss & yourselves as well. Thank you again, & GOD bless.

✨✨baby dust to all TTC✨✨