Symptom searching

Yesterday I was searching for any symptom I could that I might be pregnant. Given, I'm only like 3-4 dpo, but I was still hoping.  I had a sore throat and drainage so I got excited when I saw a post that many woman get a head cold when they are very first pregnant. I've bee so tired the past few days and I know that's sometimes a symptom. I saw a post about a metallic or blood taste in your mouth and all of a sudden "had" that too. I try not to think about these things too much, getting my hopes up but its getting harder. 
Today, I woke up with my boobs hurting which has always happened about this time in my cycle, although it's a little early. So I guess that means that dreaded skank will show up in 2 weeks. 
How do y'all keep your mind off "symptoms" in the TWW?